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Lesson 01: Training Leaders is Essential

Every Christian is a disciple, or at least should be. It’s a contradiction to be a Christian and not a disciple. A disciple is a convinced student; being a Christian and a disciple are synonymous. (Acts 11:26).  In this lesson Dr Leon explain Why it's essential for a Leader to be trained.

Lesson 02: The Spiritual Leader

Spiritual Leaders are World-Changing Leaders. In the following 6 Lessons, I will discuss essentials for every Leader in the Church. If any one or more of these requirements are absent, there will be a deficiency in the Leader’s relationships with the people who follow them and their peers. On the other hand, if these qualities are present in their ministry, they will be effective, fruitful, and powerful.

Lesson 03: The Sacrificial Leader

Spiritual Leaders will make many sacrifices! As a spiritual leader, you will quickly learn that all ministry requires sacrifice. Remember, the sacrifice for your salvation is a free gift. Your service and sacrifices that will be made are not for salvation but because you are saved. 

Lesson 04: Selfless Leadership

Christian leaders do not live selfishly as takers, grabbers, and consumers but pour their lives out sacrificially for something bigger than themselves! They do this for one reason, and that is because they love God more than life itself. 


Lesson 05: The Self-Disciplined Leader

If you want to be an ordinary leader, do what ordinary leaders do. Just go about your ordinary business. If you're going to be average, then do want average leaders do. But if you're going to make a difference and accomplish extraordinary things, you will have to do the extra+ordinary. You will have to put ‘extra’ on top of the ordinary. There is no other way!

Lesson 06: The Servant Leader

As an equipper and a servant to emerging and existing leaders, my desire for your life is to become a world-changing leader. I want to focus my ministry to train and empower you to lead with strength, authority, anointing, but also with the attitude that reveals Jesus. The attitude that was found in Jesus was that of a servant-leader. 

Lesson 07: The Skilled Leader

As a Spiritual Leader, you need to acquire skills in various areas of ministry that will determine the accuracy and effectiveness of what you are doing. Learn more in this course about how to hone your talents to become a Skilled Leader.

Lesson 08: The Spirit-Filled Leader

The Spiritual Leader is a Spirit-filled leader, or as I prefer to say, they are God-possessed. The Spirit-filled life is essential for both the follower and the leader; this is the everyday Christian life. We were saved (Spirit-indwelled), and then we are to receive the empowerment of the Spirit. (Acts 1:8)

Lesson 09: Nehemiah

A Spiritual Leader who Changed His World! - Nehemiah, an Ordinary Man Who Accomplished an Extraordinary Work. Average leaders do what every average leader does, and they get average results! To get extraordinary results in ministry, you must do extra…you must go further, work harder, and make bigger sacrifices, then you will see more than average.

Lesson 10: Staying Fresh In Your Ministry

Stay Fresh, prevent stagnation from setting in! This Old Testament verse describes the refreshing that comes from the Lord. If we seek Him, then there is refreshing that comes from being in His presence.

Lesson 11: Leaders Build Credibility with Followers

It is essential for the spiritual leader within the church or ministry organization to have credibility with their congregation or team. Without credibility the leader will be unable to secure the support and loyalty of their followers.

Lesson 12: The Exceptional Leader

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”

Lesson 13: Barnabas

Barnabas - This Spiritual Leader was Mightily Used by God to Grow and Build the Church. Ministry is not merely something that we do; it’s more than what we do, it is who we are.


Lesson 14: Overcoming Criticism and Rejection

As spiritual leaders you are called to care, train, protect, teach, and equip those under your care. You don’t have to do this in your ability and strength as you have been empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Lesson 15: The 3 C’s of Leadership

In leadership there are three key words, “Communication, Communication, Communication!” This lesson is a reminder to recognize the power of our words.

Lesson 16: Spiritual Leaders Equip Spiritual Believers

It is our job as spiritual leaders to inspire, equip, empower, and mobilize the people into the work of the ministry.


Lesson 17: Task Completion

It is the duty of spiritual leaders to complete what God gives them to do!

Lesson 18: Strategic Well-Planned Meetings

As a Spiritual Leader it is essential that you meet regularly with your Team Leaders and Staff.  These meeting play an integral role in the strategic advance of a church, ministry, or organization.

Lesson 19: Joseph

Israel’s preferential treatment of Joseph caused jealousy and envy between him and his brothers to fester. It would be through this relational tension that God would begin to change and prepare Joseph for his future role as a leader. 


Lesson 20: Vision - Part 1

SLT is committed to training, equipping you to be a world-changing Spiritual Leader. The training is designed to empower you with knowledge and skills that will cause you to be effective in leading or influencing people. We can give you the training and help to shape your life, but only God can give you vision.

Lesson 21: Vision - Part 2

“World Changing leaders are possessed with a God-given Vision!”


Lesson 22: Vision - Part 3

“Spiritual Leaders know the force of Visualization”


Lesson 23: Leading Change

Leaders are born for change, they love change, they thrive in the environment of change!

Lesson 26: Situational Awareness

Situational Awareness. We must be aware of what's happening around us. 

Lesson 34: Samuel

A Spiritual Leader is set apart for the work of God

Lesson 40: Mission-Minded Leadership

“Every believer and especially every leader must assume responsibility for the nations!”

Lesson 42: Conflict Resolution

“Worshipping God in a place of unity must be a priority”

Lesson 49: Review

“This is not the end, but a new beginning!”